14 March, 2014

When I was a child, the phrase that seemed to be the worst was my mother saying "because I said so". As a child, that seemed to lack any real reasoning. All she could come with was telling me to do things because she told me to.

As a mother myself, now, I have a whole new understanding. It isn't just "because I said so" it is "because I am your mother and I said so". These things are not intended to harm the children, they are intended to mold the child, protect the child. Well, at least in most cases it isn't a power trip, anyway.

I used to think, I will never use "because I said so" as a response, but, I will now admit, I have. But only because it truly does say what I mean. The simple phrase conveys that I am the mother, I know what is best for you, your compliance shows me respect, so therefor, do as I say.

I know that still kind of sounds like a bit of a power trip, but it is also in how and when I use it. Sometimes it is just quicker to say that instead of a full and lengthy explanation that a toddler won't really understand. Sometimes these words are used out of frustration because I have been "nagging and harping" for too long (or so it seems).

I don't know if I was right or wrong as a child, when I thought my own mother was just saying it in a way of "I am your mother, now do as I say" but I know that I have no intentions of having my own child/ren see it that way. I want to make sure that my child/ren have options when appropriate and feel involved in as many decisions as possible.

I think far too many children are exposed to situations and ideas that extend far beyond what is appropriate for their age group. Many have more expected of them than they should and less childhood freedom. This goes beyond the "babies having babies" thing when I say that there are too many parents out there that are not mature and ready to be a parent. I can look back on friends I had in my early twenties that had babies and kids that did things with their kids around that were some what inappropriate.

I have cussed and heard it come right back at me from my little one's mouth. Why is it that when ever you want your child to say something or repeat you, you get nothing, but as soon as something they should not have heard is uttered (or even muttered) within a five mile radius, they say it over and over? I am aware that my mini will repeat and so I have cleaned up my language, as well as been more mindful of what language and ideas are permitted.

I only listen to "adult" music with my headphones on and only play songs that are appropriate for toddlers and little kids through external speakers. I only use toddler friendly ringtones and we only watch movies that are family friendly and if something comes out later as being "scary", it is taken out of our rotation of movies. I have cut back our movie watching time also.

It is important to me that my child/ren be able to have a childhood while it is available. Adulthood is for keeps, I cannot get mine back or trade it in for another childhood. I try to remember, just like each passing moment with my kiddo is precious and fleeting, so is childhood. I would rather it be a fun experience worth looking back on and smiling.

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